Throwing things is therapeutic
This is our shoe basket. It has been placed under a table right by the front door so when we come into the house we can just throw our shoes in and have them out of the way. I bought this basket because apparently the shoe rack that I had there before was too much effort. You know, having to actually set the shoes down on it and all. This basket only required tossing, which I thought was a fair compromise between me wanting things neat and the rest of my family wanting to be lazy, uh, I mean, wanting ease of use. But do you see those shoes that are not in the basket? (And believe me folks, it's usually much worse than this. There are normally about 3 pairs of my husband's shoes lying somewhere in the vicinity of the basket, much like his clothes that are thrown in the vicinity of the hamper. But I digress...) And this was making me very mad. UNTIL, I found a solution to relieve my anger. And it actually works. All I do is pick up those shoes and chuck them into the garage, preferably slinging the matching pairs into opposite corners. No more nagging, and you wouldn't believe how nice it feels to throw things. Not quite as satisfying as dishes would be, but then, I'd have to clean that mess up, so this really is even better. My family now knows where to look if they can't find their shoes in the basket, and I don't have to hear a word about it, because they know why. So far it hasn't helped shoes make it into their proper place more often, but that's okay, because whenever I'm irked about something, I just go look for some therapy in the vicinity of the basket.
"I just go looking for some therapy in the vicinity of the basket." Love it. Throwing things was meant to be therapeutic at our house tonight, too, but now dear hubby will have to repair the hole in the wall above his side of the bed because it was his fault in the first place. Damn you, World of Warcraft!!!!!!
Love it!
Oh man, too awesome.
You must have been talking to my mom...when I was growing up, anyone who left their shoes in the living room would have to go OUTSIDE to find them! Sometimes they'd be cold or really hard to find, but you know what- we started putting our shoes up! Every once in a while we'd slack a little, but she had that special nack for reminding us effictively.
Sheyenne, you crack me up. That is too funny! One question though, now do you have to buy more shoes?
You've taken me down memory lane. We grew up with 9 kids in the house - lots and lots of shoes left in the living room. We got up in the morning and walked out to the alley to find our shoes - tossed out the back door.
(I randomly ran across your blog, fun reading)
Kim, no I most certainly do not. If their shoes are yucky from being tossed around the garage then that's just the price they pay. There's NO WAY they're getting new shoes out of the deal.
Funny. I need to figure out some kind of system for shoes too. The floor of our hall coat closet is covered by a mound of shoes and there are usually 3 or 4 pairs lying around near the front door or back door. Often, I'll put Mike's grungy shoes in the garage, but they always seem to make their way back in.
We line all our shoes up outside the front door under a bench.
8 people+2 feet each+a Minimum of 3 pairs of shoes per person=A HELLA LOT OF SHOES
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